Image by Jeremy Mimnagh

Image by Jeremy Mimnagh

Contemporary Technique

Marie-Josée offers a contemporary technique centre class structured to prepare the dancer for a rehearsal day as well as integrating different approaches to technique, musicality and brain integration.

The class covers elements of floor and centre work, developing strength, endurance and balance, variations across the floor while challenging the dancer with rhythmic patterns. She also encourages the dancer to find their own expression and interpretation within a particular kinetic variation.

Image by Jeremy Mimnagh

Image by Jeremy Mimnagh

Vocal Exploration

A workshop for individuals interested in exploring the possibilities of vocal expression. Through focused exercises and improvisational activities that combine movement with voice, Marie-Josée will lead the participants in an open atmosphere that creates trust and allows everyone to explore and discover their own vocal expression.

For anyone practicing a creative discipline as well as for everyday life activities, the connection of the voice with the body will open up your imagination, connect you to your intuition and as an added bonus, will be beneficial to your health. No previous experience is required.

Image by Jeremy Mimnagh

Image by Jeremy Mimnagh

Artistic Consultation

Marie-Josée’s artistic consultations can take many forms: from the inception of a production (consulting on finding designers, venues, casting, dramaturgy), to being involved until the premiere of the work (helping in the final touches during technical rehearsals). She can also be brought into a project for a specific aspect (choreography, voice coaching, facilitating the dialogue between composers and choreographers). 

Image by Francesca Chudnoff

Image by Francesca Chudnoff


Marie-Josée considers the development of in-depth relationships with artists at all stages of their career. She helps emerging artists discover the potential of their performance or choreographic skills, and guides established artists in the exploration of new strategies for their ongoing creative process. She engages in open dialogue with each mentee in order to provide the most relevant approach to fully support their artistic vision.

Image by Tamara Romanchuk

Image by Tamara Romanchuk

Movement and Improvisation

Marie-Josée leads movement and improvisation sessions for a wide array of performers, educators, teenagers, seniors and dance aficionados. The format is adapted to best fulfil the needs of each targeted group. This can range from an introductory hour class to a full week-end intensive to a full week as designed for the In the Body workshop format. Workshops have often led to the creation of short works presented as part of professional dance productions.