Di lives with her mother Makati, her father Paclay, and the handsome Mario Morneau, her mother’s second husband. One day, this marvellous yet fragile existence is brutally upset by the arrival of Peggy Bellatus and her terrifying mining machines. The earth trembles as desires and secrets shatter.
Le Dire de Di, is a one-woman show written by Michel Ouellette; he explores a playful and poetic style of writing in which characters are shaped like poems, and express themselves in lively, colourful language full of gaps and ricochets. Chartier responds by creating a physical language for the actress Marie-Ève Fontaine that is as sculpted as each spoken word by the many characters in Di’s life. Watch the video here
… c'est la première fois que je voyais dans le programme d'une pièce l'apport d'une conceptrice de la gestuelle. Marie-Josée Chartier est entre autres chorégraphe et cette collaboration permet à la comédienne d'exercer sur le public la fascination d'une charmeuse de serpent. Chaque geste, chaque expression capturent l'auditoire à l'intérieur d'un moment de l'histoire en plus de transcrire et de rapporter une réalité qui nous serait autrement invisible. ~ Marie-Claire Girard, Huffington Post